What Are You Willing To Do?

what are you willing to do

Are you willing to take personal responsibility for your life? Are you willing to own up to your own shortcomings and accept ALL of yourself despite them? Are you willing to Forgive yourself for what would of, could of, or should of, been? Are you willing to admit when you are wrong and also acknowledge yourself when you are right?

Are you willing to let go of old baggage so that YOU can move forward? Are you willing to let the negative thoughts in your consciousness become positive ones?

Are you willing to Let Go of your past and the past of others? Are you willing to extend grace to yourself first, and then others?

Are you willing to Let Go of BEING a victim and chose BEING a victor instead? Are you willing to BE positive in life instead of negative? Are you willing to look at life half full instead of half empty?

Angels, the choice IS, and always has been YOURS! What Are You Willing To Do?


bringing people back to themselves

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