Do you have a vision? A vision for YOUR life in which direction you desire to go? It is said that people will perish without a vision. What are YOU saying about YOUR vision? Are you aware of what you may be mumbling under your......
You know that this time of Year is always busy with shopping, travel, family, cooking, and so on. Yet, when do we stop and take a moment to think about our Higher Self, to take and spend time with IT in the......
To look at me in this photo you´d think that there was nothing wrong with me and that all was well, which is further from the truth, which is one reason we never ought judge a book by its cover! Angels, when that picture was taken......
Did you know that a Birthday Meaning means this.... It is a day when we have the opportunity to express gratitude and acknowledge growth within our self as well as celebrating life! It is also an opportunity to be with the ones we love and......
Angels do I have a TESTIMONY for YOU! For those of us who are in the Spiritual World their is a saying that says you have to ¨work the principals, and they will work for you¨ which is so very true! I just recently......
This is Father´s Day Weekend Angels, a time where if we can we honor our physical Father. Yet, if our physical father is no longer with us we can still honor that Yang Energy within our self or even our Father that has passed. My......
Everything has to start from this picture above, to create a new meal, you have to start with the basics and build from there! So too, is Life! If you chose to have something you must start somewhere and build upon that! We will......
Do you know? You are walking your Spiritual Path, things are changing, although it mayn´t be as fast as EGO would like for it too, or thinks that it ought be, and yet you are moving forward although it may be with anger, frustration, confusion,......
We as a society have a difficult time TRUSTING because of all the hurts and pain we have went through as a child and an Adult! Yet, life is truly very simple when we allow our selves to accept WHAT IS! When we accept what......
Like nature there is always a new beginning. This picture reminds you that there is always new growth in your life whether you may be aware of it or not, and like the animal kingdom you will either trust that the universe has your back......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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