Stuck In The Same Trap?

stuck in the same trap

Are you STUCK? Forever going around in circles like the picture above? We, as humans can get STUCK pretty easy…..Its called COMFORT ZONES!

in what ways are you in your comfort zones? do you recognize them? Are you happy in the way that you are living? Do you believe that you have the POWER to Change your circumstances and your thoughts?

EGO will tell us that we are STUCK and if we listen to it, then we stay STUCK! Yet, if your willing to BE STILL and get to know the voice within and TRUST that voice then you will be able to create somehting NEW!

Example: I AM stepping outside a comfort zone that I created for myself for 37 years! Angels, whenever something happened I´d go straight to my comfort zone! Good, Bad, or indifferent! And for many many years I was okay with that, until I wasn¨t anymore!

I´d try to make it okay, yet I KNEW within that it was time for a change and let me say these first few weeks outside of my comfort zone has forced me to grow, think of new ways of being, and new things to do with my time.

100% comfortable I have yet to reach that point yet I KNOW I AM on my way there. It is benefiting me health wise, spiritually, and mentally because I KNOW that once I AM 100% I will have overcome the power of EGO and created a NEW comfort zone for myself!

Yes, it is work, yet I KNOW I AM worth it……what about you? join me in creating a new comfort zone for yourself so that you can create a NEW YOU and get outside of BEING STUCK!


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