Memorial Day!!

memorial day

To all of those serving in our Millitary today we say Thank you. Last night we watched a PBS special on WWII. Angels, has any of the fighting changed anything other than lose lives? Is that what we celebrate each year? The fact that Men and Women are brave enough to lose their life to show humanity how stupid fighting is?

When will we learn Angels? We rush to find a cure to an unknown virus that is taking our lives yet we celebrate and are proud each year of all those that needlessly die in Wars that never stop! Only to do damage to those in the Military, there Famlies and those around them!

I’m waiting for the day that we do celebrate and honor the men and women of the Army, Military. Seals, and others. Those who are helping others, uplifting others, celebrating others differences, helping countries, BEING LOVE! Using our Military for humanitarin purposes, and it isn’t to destroy!

God Bless each and every Military person. Maybe One day we can truly BE PROUD because of the LOVE our Military will give!!!

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