Last Month Of 2020

Join Us as we prepare for 2021! What is it or Who is it that you would like to Forgive and TRULY put down as we move into 2021? Think about what has weighed you down this past year…..worry, fear, doubt, lack, distrust, whatever it may be join us as we LET GO of what no longer serves us as we move into 2021!

Joining us email your address to subject line Facebook Event and we will make sure you will be with us!

The Feminine Energy is here! How do you choose to use it as we move deeper in the 21st Century. The time has come where it is up to US how we live our lives! Personal Responsibility has to come into play as we have just finished with 4 years of a President UNWILLING to accept Personal Responsibility for ANYTHING and you see where that has him!

Make your list, think about what you choose to no longer carry and make a commitment to yourself that you will lay it down! That you are WORTHY to be FREE! Angels, this is your time…..what do you choose to make of it?

bringing people back to themselves

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