One thing I have come to understand over the years of walking this Spiritual Journey is that I Like Me! Can you say that about yourself and if not, why not? The Source that made you is with you in your body, in fact it is your body, to be ashamed, or not ¨good enough¨ is stating that Source isn´t good enough and that isn´t true!
I used to think those same thoughts until I came to accept and love myself! It began to make sense that Spirit and I are One and what I AM Spirit Is so to speak negative about myself, or to beat up on myself I was beating up and speaking negative about Spirit!
You truly believe that Spirit and you are One than the above statement is True. Once I truly understood that Angels, did I begin to start accepting and loving self and over time Angels I have come to Like Me, and I promise if you do the Spiritual Work, and Forgive and Let Go of the Old, and Lighten Up on yourself you will be able to Like Yourself and stand in the mirror and honestly say I Like Me!
bringing people back to themselves