I AM Creating Riches….Care To Join Me?

i am creating riches care to join me

I AM a Billionaire…..and we aren’t speaking of paper money! What I AM speaking of can’t be bought with NO AMOUNT of money in this Universe!

In CREATING RICHES what I mean is that because I KNOW that what I think, & speak is what I create I AM choosing to CREATE RICHES. And in CREATING RICHES I AM allowing myself to experience, enjoy, emmerse, and LOVE ALL that I AM able to accept as mine. And so too can you!

In CREATING RICHES we are not bragging, boasting, or being in Ego, or any of that. NO! What we are doing is affirming what is ALREADY SO! KNOWING that ALL is here now, and by speaking it, I AM claiming it and bringing it forth into manifestation and so too can you!

I AM CREATING RICHES by thanking the Universe daily for all that I have and BEING grateful for all that I have and all that is yet to come. I AM CREATING RICHES by residing in the space of high vibration in KNOWING that my body is healthy and whole despite what outside appearances may show.

I AM CREATING RICHES by thanking Spirit and KNOWING and EXPERIENCING that I AM worthy to receive ALL the gifts from heaven and that I have a right to enjoy, claim and experience my kingdom on earth! Quality, Travel, Fine Dinning, Luxruy, a life of Ease and Grace! Yes, Yes, Yes!

I AM CREATING RICHES by calling forth nothing except good, prosperity, fun, health, love, peace, upliftment, and joy in all of my experiences and thanking Spirit for the wisdom that I receive from each one.

I AM CREATING RICHES by resting and relaxing into KNOWING that I AM taken care of and that it will not “look” the way that I think it will. I AM CREATING RICHES by thanking Spirit for what I have, and trusting Spirit for what I need.

I AM CREATING RICHES by choosing to live in a high vibration of life. To let go of my way and allow myself to flow with the energy of this Universe. I AM CREATING RICHES simply by BEING.

It is this type of Energy Angels that is needed as we walk this earth plane. From someone who has been on both sides I will tell you from experience that it is much much easier choosing to live positively. I AM CREATING RICHES…..CARE TO JOIN ME?


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