

Guest Post: Rev, Gloria Cooper-Moran

Gratitude is the Master Key to success and Abundance.The expression of gratitude keeps you in the flow of your good. It is an awareness of your connection with God/Source /Family and World. We must open our heart to fully express gratitude and love.There is a divine desire within us to flow forth Love, substance, and creative intelligence. When we ask God or the Universe to bring us a new job or home or divine right mate into our lives we must express thanks before we receive it. release it and let go and let God.

Sometimes it may seem like the process is taking a long time and we may be tempted to make it happen faster and what we need to do is prepare for our good and listen to our inner guidance from the spirit. Just keep giving thanks that it is done on the inner plane of life. Give praise and thanks everyday for all the good that continually flows into your life and take nothing for granted. Even when seemingly unsavory people or things come into my experience I ask ¨What is this for¨ “¨What is this experience teaching me¨ then I give thanks for all the lessons I¨m learning, I know it brings me closer to my demonstration.

The roadblocks to your good are worry and fear, unforgiveness of self and others and judgement of self and others. Gratitude allows us to overcome these blocks and trust God and ourselves. Continue to give praise and thanks that everything is in divine order in spite of appreances. What you praise and give thanks for expands in your life. Acknowledge praise give thanks for the people things and places you want to remain or come into your world. Every Morning express these affirmations:

***I have an attitude of gratitude.
***I give thanks for lavish abundance in my life and affairs
***I give thanks for this perfect day, miracles shall follow miracle and wonder shall never cease, look well, therefore to this day.

Peace, Love, and Blessings
Rev. Gloria Cooper-Moran

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