Forgiveness Is A Choice – If Allowed It Sets You Free!

forgiveness is a choice if allowed it sets you free

Today I will speak about Unforgiveness.

Do you harbor unforgiveness in your life? Do you think that by holding onto unforgiveness it is hurting them or you? Do you think that the person or persons that you are holding your unforgiveness towards is sitting and thinking about YOU? They are NOT! You are only hurting yourself.

What he has said is so true. Looking honestly at YOUR life, do you hold unforgiveness towards anyone and if so, is that helping you or hurting you? This is not about right/wrong. This is about recognizing, owning, and feeling your feelings. It is in the feeling of them that we can release them.

For me, Unforgiveness became the center of my journey. Everybody’s life path is different, and yet unforgiveness will play a role. It may not be front and center and yet in order to truly live life, and to truly BE free, Unforgiveness,I feel,plays a major role.

Are you willing to allow yourself to forgive yourself? Are you willing to let your resentment go? To know in your heart that God will take care of it? Are you willing to allow yourself the gift of forgiveness and the many doors that open after allowing yourself to receive it?

Or, do you choose to hang onto what you feel is “your right” and make excuses as to why your life is the way it is, and not accept responsibility that YOUR choices have put you exactly where you are today. You can forgive and open up an entirely new world to you OR, you can stay in your comfort zone, upset, unhappy, alone, and sad. It is your choice…as with everything in life…



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