Entering A Season Of Rest

entering a season of rest

This time of year is a time of resting. Think about it. Bears go into hibernation, Birds fly South to warmer climates, Lakes and rivers rest. Other species of animals hibernate, Flowers and tree’s rest. Winter is a time of rest. So too is it a time of rest for you.

It can be hectic this time of year what with the holiday season approaching, and so much too do, put up, shop for, cook, presents to wrap, along with your regular daily responsibilities which is even more reason for you to rest. You are worth 10 minutes to yourself, to gather your thoughts, take a few deep breaths, and then move forward.

As Mother Nature clearly shows a time of rest is crucial in order to move on. Think about it, if Mother Nature did not rest Spring, Summer, and Fall would have NO meaning. You as well, if you do not rest then not only are you not there for your family during this holiday season, but more important you are not there for YOURSELF, and then nothing gets accomplished.

Resting is so important. Your body rejuvenates itself while resting. Your mind relaxes while resting. You are able to center your energy while resting as well. You have better health too when your body rests. There are numerous benefits to resting. Do you feel you are worthy of it?

Your answer to the above question will, I feel, determine the amount of rest YOU choose to give yourself. And, how you will flow into……YOUR NEW SEASON OF LIFE!


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