
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Self Empowerment By Focusing On What You Really Want
Self Empowerment By Focusing On What You Really Want

Have you been trying to improve yourself and it just doesn’t feel like it’s working? Do you feel out of touch with yourself, like you’re stymied on your spiritual journey? It’s natural to feel stuck in the journey of self-empowerment at times. If you are......

Life Coaching Sessions: The Key To Improving Self
Life Coaching Sessions: The Key To Improving Self

Does it feel like doubt is eating you up inside? Has it seemed as if you’re questioning yourself no matter what you do, no matter how much you change? Self-doubt can hold you back in your life, your career, or everything else. Heather Buzzard, like......

Restart, Retune, Or Re-Empower: Life Coaching To Build Your Foundation
Restart, Retune, Or Re-Empower: Life Coaching To Build Your Foundation

Have you been struggling to establish a relationship with YOU? Does it feel like your thoughts are muddled, or that you’re disconnected from your feelings? If so, BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE can help. She’s ready to support you with powerful, effective, and proven tools. With her......

What Are You Willing To Do?
What Are You Willing To Do?

Are you willing to take personal responsibility for your life? Are you willing to own up to your own shortcomings and accept ALL of yourself despite them? Are you willing to Forgive yourself for what would of, could of, or should of, been? Are you......

A Spiritual Life Coach For Personal Development: Developing The “You” You Want To Be
A Spiritual Life Coach For Personal Development: Developing The “You” You Want To Be

Do you ever find yourself questioning if change in your life is really happening? Do you feel like there are signals that you aren’t really fully aware of? So much of personal development is about creating a real, new you. A spiritual life coach can......

Love For A Moment Or Lifetime?
Love For A Moment Or Lifetime?

AS we end the Month of celebrating LOVE. Will you continue to celebrate? Regardless of whet er you have someone or don't you can still celebrate the LOVE you have for yourself throughout the rest of this year! LOVING yourself is one of the greatest......

What We Were Told, & Then The History!

Truly Listen to HOW Valentine Day began! Beheaded by a CHURCH in 269 BC And listen to who Beheaded them, it was a CHURCH Angels! Christ didn´t even exist in 269 BC so in TRUTH it has NOTHING to do with candy, cards,......

Animated Book Summary On The Four Agreements!

Angels, enjoy this video as it goes hand in hand with our Radio Podcast Tuesday 3:30pmPAC as we talk about The Four Agreements as a Follow Up to our last Show on The Laws of The Universe to give YOU a clearer idea! Enjoy......

What Do We Know?
What Do We Know?

Really, what do we know? We claim to BE an Expert about Wordly things, such as Medicine, Health, Psychology, Exercise, Sexual behavior, Children, this planet and so much more Yet, What Do We Know? We are told to ¨grow up¨ go to school, get educated,......

The Power Within You!
The Power Within You!

Have you ever seen an electrical storm? It is very powerful, intense, and a sight to see. KNOWING that most "stuff" in life comes from energy, take a deep look into this picture. Look at the orange for creativity, the purple for higher consciousness, the......

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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