
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

What Are You Telling Yourself?
What Are You Telling Yourself?

That is the space Angels, that I found myself in from time to time. One who writes about BEING Conscious and what you think, and speak is what you create and yet writing and LIVING it are two different things which is why ACTIONS speak......

5 Steps In Keeping Calm!
5 Steps In Keeping Calm!

Immediately PULL YOURSELF back to Center! Whet'er that means walking away, listening to music, getting out in nature, meditating, DO SOMETHING that will take your mind off your irritation so that you can bring yourself back to CENTER! As you relax and take your mind......

Walk Your Golden Path Angels!
Walk Your Golden Path Angels!

Even in the forest there is a trail. Spirit is always showing us the way. It is up to you and I to what path we choose to walk. Walking a path such as this picture may imply that you are releasing and letting go......

Is Your Basket Empty?
Is Your Basket Empty?


Love For A Moment Or Lifetime?
Love For A Moment Or Lifetime?


Trust Spirit & Rest In Your Valley!
Trust Spirit & Rest In Your Valley!

Life at times can be like the picture above where you feel like you are in a deep valley, maybe one you "think" you cannot ever get out of. Yet, if you look closely at the picture you also see LIFE. Abundant life, green grass,......

Trust That All Is Well….Even If You Don’t Feel It!
Trust That All Is Well….Even If You Don’t Feel It!


Self Love….. Is A Beautiful Thing!
Self Love….. Is A Beautiful Thing!

BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE RADIO has been discussing Loving Yourself. So, we finish this week out with the same. KNOWING in Truth that LOVE is all there is. My journey has delivered me to a space where it is NOW my time to accept ALL that......

Where Is Your Pot Of Gold?
Where Is Your Pot Of Gold?

We as a society have accustomed ourselves whenever we see a rainbow to say that there is a pot of gold waiting for us. In fact this is a fantasy that we teach our children. Have you ever found a pot of gold at the......

How Many Of These Pillars Of Character Do I Truly Posses?

Updated: Jan 21, 2021 This is a short video that helps you identify your Character traits or lack thereof. Angels the World is the way that it is because we have forgotten Human decency and instead go straight for the jugular of a person and......

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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