If you are newly into Spirituality and you are experiencing your life as a roller coaster ride, I promise you if you continue on you will come to a point where some type of stability will set in. I KNOW it does not seem like,......
REST AND ALLOW! What does that look like to you? I KNOW for me, RESTING AND ALLOWING is affirming in my mind the positive, reminding myself and accepting that I AM worthy, Deep Breathing, Meditation, Patience, BEING QUIET, Listening to music, Warm Sea Salt Baths,......
Like nature there is always a new beginning. This picture reminds you that there is always new growth in your life whete ¨r you may be aware of it or not, and like the animal kingdom you will either trust that the universe has your......
Are you STUCK? Forever going around in circles like the picture above? We, as humans can get STUCK pretty easy.....Its called COMFORT ZONES! in what ways are you in your comfort zones? do you recognize them? Are you happy in the way that you are......
Are you picking up the pieces of your life? Have you had a setback or what "appears" to be a setback in your life? Do you feel you have fallen off a track that you put yourself on? Do you feel Life is not treating......
Creating a new Cultural Story is not easy. It can be done and yet it can also take millions of years. YOU and I are here to recreate that Cultural Story and to make it a more friendly one. Our purpose is to make sure......
Below is a video with a new idea. What if.....and as you watch the video answer that question for yourself. Right here, Right Now, truly is the way to help YOURSELF and OTHERS Heal So, go ahead and Forgive it Forward. It is......
Angels take Heed and give yourself this opportunity to change your life! Yes, you have to BE willing to believe, yet by believing you have the opportunity to create what you choose! Add here to what was said in this video and actually......
Below is a short video of 8 Habits that make a Healthy Relationship. Check out this short video and see where in your relationships you can improve on or be thankful for what IS in your relationship! Take a listen and Enjoy Angels! ......
That is something I AM aware of that seems to be an ongoing process of life, as my EGO chooses to hang onto the thought of BEING"finished" and in speaking with one of my Students I was reminding her as well as myself that we......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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