
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Compare Or Create… Which Do You Do?
Compare Or Create… Which Do You Do?

COMPARISON! What does that word say to you? To me it says that whatever I COMPARE whet er it be persons, situations, experiences, whatever it is to COMPARE for me, means you always come up with lesser than and yet we as humans still do......

How Transparent Are You?

Angels listen to this video and let it assist YOU in becoming more transparent in your life and your relationships! We humans can tend to think of transparency as a weakness and yet in truth Angels BEING transparent with Life is actually a strength! We......

The Eternal NOW… Are You Living In It?

Inspiring video by Alan Watts! Take a listen and discover just how often YOU are living in the NOW! You will be surprised with just how much we are either in the past or in the future!! It was an eye opener for......

This Is Your Time To Share What You Have…. Someone Needs Your Wisdom!

Angels pardon the start of this video it was one when we were just getting started at YouTube as we have become better! What did you hear and what are you able to take away from this video? We are here to encourage, uplift, and......

Welcome Your Spirit In 2023!

As we move into 2023 and deeper in our Heart´s space You have an opportunity to welcome your Spirit into your heart space on a deeper level. Allow yourself this chance to relax, and unwind and let the unseen energies work for you!......

As We Turn The Page…..
As We Turn The Page…..

Angels, how quick the year has gone! As We Turn The Page to 2023 we ask you to take a look back at your year and give thanks for ALL OF IT! All of it you ask, YES. ALL OF IT! Reason being is the......

How Too In Loving Self More!

A Short Video to help you LOVE yourself on a deeper level. Take heed, implement these tools and watch your life change! As we move through the Month of May which is Mother's Month, LOVE yourself! Find ways in which you can LOVE......

Staying Relaxed Through The Holidays!
Staying Relaxed Through The Holidays!

How is that working for you? I KNOW a lot of people tend to get stressed out, upset, or angry if a certain product did not come or if a gift they desire to buy someone is NOT available, or if what they had planned......

Are You Willing To Change Your Life?

Angels, this video speaks nothing except TRUTH! In what ways can you live your life in this manner? It reminds us that we all have been given an opportunity to BE, DO, & HAVE whatever we can hold in consciousness! It reminds us......

Let This Video Inspire You!

A Powerful Reminder Angels that we truly are here to Uplift, Inspire, Encourage, and help Humanity and KNOW that we truly are FAMILY! Powerful Video Angels!!! Enjoy!   BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE bringing people back to themselves...

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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