
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Life Is About EXPANSION!
Life Is About EXPANSION!

Looking at this picture you see the expansion of the lake, the abundance of the trees, rocks, and what not. And then you see this little Etty bitty boat. When I saw this picture I felt it was perfect for exactly this type of conversation.......

Labels We Carry!
Labels We Carry!


Ask Yourself This…….
Ask Yourself This…….

What role do I have to play in all that is being shown in this world today? What AM I able to BE,DO, or HAVE to heal this planet? AM I willing to BE proactive NOW and STOP waiting on someone or something else? Do......

Non-Conflicting Experience Is Creation!
Non-Conflicting Experience Is Creation!

Think about this for a moment.....Non-Conflicting.....what does that say to you? I was at a point in my life (mid 30's) where I was just getting the concept of "non-conflicting"....All of my life I had been told about "attitude"..... You need to change your attitude....I......

Discover Just How Free You Are!
Discover Just How Free You Are!

This is the Month in which the USA celebrates its FREEDOM! Yet, this year it has been a bit different! Instead of the typical barbecues, and firework gatherings and town celebrations we have had to LOOK AT OURSELVES and ask within Am I free? This......

Memorial Day!!
Memorial Day!!

To all of those serving in our Millitary today we say Thank you. Last night we watched a PBS special on WWII. Angels, has any of the fighting changed anything other than lose lives? Is that what we celebrate each year? The fact that Men......

Trust That All Is Well!
Trust That All Is Well!


Collective Reset!
Collective Reset!

This entire World is moving through a RESET! Angels, our part is to make sure that we are sending out Love, Peace and Understanding. As we move through this RESET we will need to ask ourselves what is really important in life! Is the health......

Fear Or Faith… Which Are You Choosing In This Time?
Fear Or Faith… Which Are You Choosing In This Time?


buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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