How often do you live from your heart space? "Heart Space" you may ask, "what is that?" Living from your Heart Space is living life, COMING FROM your heart. Not your mind, your HEART. When you are living life from this perspective life comes to......
Angels, we are moving into Video with our NEW SHOW...BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE....think outside the box. Here is a short video giving insight into who we are, and the goal of the show! Subscribe to our channel, Like our Videos as we have Forgiveness......
Angels take a listen to this short video about HOLDING BACK! I use myself as an example an share with you a few of the reasons I held back and what helped me STOP HOLDING BACK! This is just a taste of what......
BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE is starting our NEW Show THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX over on YoouTube. Aug. 11th will be our first show and Angels we encourage you to check out our YouTube pg, Subscribe and join us for THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!! Our Intent is......
If you have not heard of tapping/releasing let me explain it to you. Tapping is where you touch certain points of your body to release pent up energy that may be stuck there. Tapping also puts the body back into balance as well.......
We Are Waking Up Angels...... This is the Time Angels that we are at a place where we either recreate anew or we continue to circle the same space. Yet, it won´t stand because eventually the Universe will MOVE YOU! Think about it......
1. Know that God is both Male and Female energy within you. 2. Remember that the Images portrayed in Religion are just that Images and that in TRUTH God is an Energy of ALL things in this Universe and Beyond! 3. Recognize in your life......
Loving and Hating cannot be in the same space. Which one are you in? Uplifting and Oppressing are not able to be side by side. Which one do you see yourself using more of? Understanding and not listening cannot abide together, which do you do?......
Angels join us Tuesday May 24th @ 4pmPAC/7pmEST right here @ call in @ (714) 510-3707 Self Love is so important these days and isn´t spoken much about! Join us as we have Naimah from Schenectady N.Y. Graduated and pursued her life long passion......
Do you allow yourself? You may be asking "Allow myself for what?" I will say anything. Do you give yourself the okay to cry when needed or do you stuff it down? Do you give yourself the okay when your feeling angry and you desire......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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