When things don´t turn out the way you had planned, thought or expected are you able to shrug it off and move on or, do you fight with yourself and beat yourself up because you thought one way and it turned out entirely different and......
We have all heard the saying ¨Water off a Ducks Back!¨ Yet, what does that really mean? Does it mean that water really rolls off a ducks back or is it an analogy? Well, I looked it up to see and YES, water does really......
Accepting yourself is KEY to loving yourself. Do you agree with that? If you are not willing to ACCEPT who you are, there will be NO WAY you will ever love yourself. This Spiritual Path that you are traveling is NOT for the fainthearted or......
Angels this is the space that we are moving thru now! As I move into and through my Fifty's I AM choosing to have more Value for myself, my thoughts, my experiences in life! I AM choosing to experience something different and that will only......
Think about that for a moment. I quite often say "What you resist persist, what you look at and hold disappears".Have you had the experience of those words above? What may be happening in your life right now where you find yourself resisting? Work, Home,......
And to think Angels we know very little about our Subconscious and yet it is what is controlling us more than our conscious mind Angels! May that be the reason the world is the way it is? We are totally unaware of our......
How many of dismiss our birthdays or say it is no big deal? Or, if asked what you are doing for your birthday you respond with " Oh nothing, just another day" I have done that myself until I realized just what birthdays mean! As......
I was listening to other people Angels, and using myself as an example I strongly suggest you adhere to the words above! I stopped doing Radio because of what I was believing and being told! Yet, if you heard our "last" episode you can hear......
Angels, check out this short video below! This is what we as a Human Family are choosing to create as the tides of the Energy turn! This is REAL!! Where in your life may you come to a greater understanding of who you or someone......
How often do you live from your heart space? "Heart Space" you may ask, "what is that?" Living from your Heart Space is living life, COMING FROM your heart. Not your mind, your HEART. When you are living life from this perspective life comes to......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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