How often do you live from your heart space? "Heart Space" you may ask, "what is that?" Living from your Heart Space is living life, COMING FROM your heart. Not your mind, your HEART. When you are living life from this perspective life comes to......
CREATING THE NEW YOU....this is what you and I are up too. With each new thought, new behavior, or new way of thinking and doing things, what we are up to is, Recreating ourselves anew in the next grandest version of the greatest vision EVER!......
Have their been times in your life where you may have not felt free? Possibly in your thinking, or your Career? If so, did you take any steps to change it? or, did you just accept it, and tell yourself "that, that is just the......
As we move through this Easter Season Angels we have an opportunity and a choice whet er to CARRY AN EMPTY BASKET OR A WEIGHTED BASKET through this cycle of life. For me, I have chosen to empty my mind of thoughts that no longer......
How many of us try to be our own Doctor? We look up symptoms on goggle, talk to our Facebook friends, try to analyze our self, possibly look in books, etc. Yet, because we aren´t a Doctor do we really know what were doing? I......
I AM willing to BE happy I AM experiencing happiness NOW I AM worthy & deserving to have happiness in my life I AM open & receptive to my happiness I AM @ peace with myself & life I AM peaceful, calm, & relaxed in......
Take a listen to this video and find out just how Emotionally Mature you are! We ALL need to become more mature in how we handle our Emotions so that we can RESPOND to life instead of REACT! It is a balance and it takes......
HOW COMMITTED AM I? Only YOU can answer that. You have been following the rules, doing what it is that your suppose to do, and you have even experienced glimpses of the Promise Land, and yet you just don't seem to be able to keep......
COMPARISON! What does that word say to you? To me it says that whatever I COMPARE whet er it be persons, situations, experiences, whatever it is to COMPARE for me, means you always come up with lesser than and yet we as humans still do......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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