
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Trusting The Unseen!
Trusting The Unseen!

We as a society have a difficult time TRUSTING because of all the hurts and pain we have went through as a child and an Adult! Yet, life is truly very simple when we allow our selves to accept WHAT IS! When we accept what......

New Beginnings!
New Beginnings!

Like nature there is always a new beginning. This picture reminds you that there is always new growth in your life whether you may be aware of it or not, and like the animal kingdom you will either trust that the universe has your back......

Getting Personal!

Angels we hope you enjoyed watching this video and KNOW that BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE is here to assist YOU in moving forward on your spiritual journey with life! We encourage you to KNOW your purpose and give back to life so that you......

Spiritual Development: Bringing You Back To Yourself
Spiritual Development: Bringing You Back To Yourself

Do you feel disconnected from yourself? Does it seem as if there’s something lacking in your life, but you can’t quite determine exactly what it is? If so, you aren’t alone. Indeed, so many feel that way nowadays. Heather Buzzard, at BUZZARD’SKORNER OF LOVE has......

Life Mentoring, Coaching, And More Available
Life Mentoring, Coaching, And More Available

Establish a better relationship with You. With a greater understanding of your Self, you can be in a better position to be who you want to be. Those are just some of the ways that our life mentoring and coaching can help. Here at BUZZARD’SKORNER......

Easter Renewal!
Easter Renewal!

Happy Easter to YOU! A day to resurrect old dreams, to release and let go of a limited mindset, to change your behavior and start anew. Easter if you choose, can represent a new beginning for you. As the world celebrates the man Jesus, Let's......

Picking Up The Pieces!
Picking Up The Pieces!

Are you picking up the pieces of your life? Have you had a setback or what "appears" to be a setback in your life? Do you feel you have fallen off a track that you put yourself on? Do you feel Life is not treating......

Personal Development Through Honesty
Personal Development Through Honesty

Does it feel like you’re stuck in life? Have you felt like you’re in the same place physically, mentally, and emotionally without making any progress? So often, we’re too harsh on ourselves, not recognizing the progress that we have made in our lives, in our......

The Mental Transformation That Can Make A Difference In Your Life
The Mental Transformation That Can Make A Difference In Your Life

Are you looking to change your life but you aren’t sure where to start? Do you want to take steps into a life of joy and happiness yet don’t know how to begin? That’s perfectly understandable. These days, we are so distracted, in so many......

Creating The Life You Chose!
Creating The Life You Chose!

Are you picking up the pieces of your life? Have you had a setback or what "appears" to be a setback in your life? Do you feel you have fallen off a track that you put yourself on? Do you feel Life is not treating......

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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