Angels, this coming weekend in the USA is Labor Day and we here at BUZZARDSKORNER OF LOVE say THANK YOU to all of our essential workers who continue to make this Country run daily! Doctors, Nurses, Gas Station Workers, Store Cashiers, Janitors, Mechanics, School Bus......
5 Easy Ways To Likghten Your Life Up! 1) Laughter is so good for your body, mind, and Soul! If your able to find something to laugh at daily you will feel so much better! I have a friend who watches cartoons. Personally I laugh......
This picture reminds you of Fall doesn't it? And what is Fall about? LETTING GO! Just like the leaves on this tree fall to the ground with ease and grace so too does your past, If you chose for it too. And what I mean......
Do you find yourself in a situation or experience where YOU are CUTTING TIES? Possibly old relationships, your Mom or Dad´s old thinking, old friends, relatives, even work/school type of relationships, whatever it may be do you find yourself in a space of hesitancy? If......
Angels in order to have a testimony you have to BE willing to go on an adventures! Thats right! Adventures! Sometimes you mayn't know how it will end, or if it will end, or what will happen in betwen yet, in order to SHOW yourself......
All of us have them. All of us have Anger. Are you aware of what Triggers you? Are you aware of where your anger stems from? Are you aware of what can push your triggers? I will share something with you! The other day I......
I can remember, and even sometimes now, I can get the feeling that what I may have to do for myself is "too much". I can remember many nights that I did not desire to listen to forgiveness tapes, go to classes, read books, learn......
ENJOY THE PRIZE WITHOUT DOING THE WORK? Is that even possible with anything? I have never in my life, unless you are wealthy and are handed everything, have I known where you could ENJOY THE PRIZE WITHOUT DOING THE WORK, have you? EGO would like......
I AM a Billionaire.....and we aren't speaking of paper money! What I AM speaking of can't be bought with NO AMOUNT of money in this Universe! In CREATING RICHES what I mean is that because I KNOW that what I think, & speak is what......
How many of us are TRULY FREE with our Emotions? It is something that has been very prevelant in my space because of what I AM moving through and who I claim to BE! Angels, TRULY BEING FREE is being able to stand in who......
Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).
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