
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Self Sabotage….. How Many Of Us Do It?
Self Sabotage….. How Many Of Us Do It?

How many times in your life have you SELF SABOTAGED yourself and didn't experience what you were working towards, or you didn't receive what it was you were trying to get, or whatever it may have been in your life. Are you AWARE when you......

Your Experience Is Your Truth Demonstrated!
Your Experience Is Your Truth Demonstrated!

I have been sharing with you Angels my EXPERIENCES, and what I have come to EXPERIENCE is that it is much easier to flow with Life. When I wrote the Post GOING WITH THE FLOW I had no clue that I would actually BE EXPERIENCING......

Walking Away Is Freedom!
Walking Away Is Freedom!

WALKING AWAY is NOT an easy thing to do regarding anything. Whet er it be walking away from a relationship, a job, an idea, a business deal, a friendship, WHATEVER it may be it is NOT easy. Have you ever thought to ask yourself why......

Give Yourself Permission!
Give Yourself Permission!

Do you allow yourself? You may be asking "Allow myself for what?" I will say anything. Do you give yourself the okay to cry when needed or do you stuff it down? Do you give yourself the okay when your feeling angry and you desire......

There Are No Shortcuts!
There Are No Shortcuts!

THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS! I used to think the same thing, that (and still occasionally do ) I "d walk this Spiritual Path and "find a different way" to walk my dark night of the Soul without having to actually sit down and FEEL my......

I Am Done!
I Am Done!

I AM DONE! There comes a time in life where you feel exactly that, done with the crying, done with the unhappiness, done with the sadness, done with feeling a victim, and the instant that you FEEL that, ALL WILL CHANGE! I AM DONE is......

Family Secrets!
Family Secrets!

Angels how many of us really KNOW what is occurring in our families? Growing up in the family I did I made it my business to know as much as I possibly was able too yet, as an Adult I AM just now discovering the......

Buzzardskorner Of Love & Michael Goddart!
Buzzardskorner Of Love & Michael Goddart!

Angels join us on the 22nd of this September at 4pmPAC/7pmEST over on BUZZARDSKORNER OF :LOVE RADIO as we talk with Miachel about his new book, A New Now, and also about his journey with life, his reincarnations to remember his past 88 lives and......

5 Ways To Balance Your Life!
5 Ways To Balance Your Life!

1) Explore Your Spiritual Center.....take a few minutes each day to check in with your 3rd Charkra and your belief system. We tend to pay attention to our stomachs when they are upset or indigested, yet before getting to that point Angels, allow yourself to......

The Month Of The Libra!
The Month Of The Libra!

General Characteristics: The Spiritual Aspects of Libra Dates: September 23 – October 23 Symbol — The Balance Scales. Keywords — Balanced, diplomatic, indecisive, and aesthetic. Anatomy — The kidneys and the skin. Jewels — Sapphire, Opal, Coral. Flowers — Aster, Belladonna Lily. Lucky Star —......

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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