
Buzzard’s Korner of Love Blog

Yes! I Am Willing To Love Self!
Yes! I Am Willing To Love Self!

Loving and Hating cannot be in the same space. Which one are you in? Uplifting and Oppressing are not able to be side by side. Which one do you see yourself using more of? Understanding and not listening cannot abide together, which do you do?......

Knowing When Relationships Have Expired!
Knowing When Relationships Have Expired!

It is when the other person or situation mayn't be able to see the beauty in it, themselves or you that you have to be willing to walk away! I AM moving through that right now as I AM able to see the beauty in......

Are You Willing To Truly Live?
Are You Willing To Truly Live?

Are you going through a death in your life at the moment? It does not have to be a person. You may be going through the death of a relationship, or a death in your finances, or a death in the ways you eat, or......

Welcome To My Destiny!
Welcome To My Destiny!

Are you OUTRUNNING YOUR DESTINY? Or, are you becoming IN TUNE with your destiny? However you answer that question is the answer to your life and what is happening with you NOW! The Universe will NOT allow you to run away from, miss out on,......

Resolutions Or Results?
Resolutions Or Results?

We always make Resolutions at the start of the year and by the end of the month we have broken, lost, or forgotten what those resolutions were. Yet, instead of making a resolution how about instead striving for RESULTS! Pick one thing that you'd like......

End Of The Year Already!
End Of The Year Already!

Like the famous saying goes...."Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives" Angels, 2021 is almost OVER, yet there is still time to make a change, drop a habit, begin anew, change your thinking, choose something different! God works miracles every......

Celebrating The Christ Within
Celebrating The Christ Within

CELEBRATING THE CHRIST WITHIN! That is what this season is about. BEING able to celebrate your Christ Spirit within you as you allow yourself to be filled with the joy of family laughter, the smell of good home cooked food, and the Christmas Spirit as......

6 Ways To Stay Sane This Holiday!
6 Ways To Stay Sane This Holiday!

YES it is that time of year already! It seems like we were just saying Happy 2021 and Angels because time is moving faster our days seem to be flying by! One reason that we don't take ANYTHING for granted! One day our Family may......

Entering A Season Of Rest
Entering A Season Of Rest

This time of year is a time of resting. Think about it. Bears go into hibernation, Birds fly South to warmer climates, Lakes and rivers rest. Other species of animals hibernate, Flowers and tree's rest. Winter is a time of rest. So too is it......

The Gratitude Dance…Check It Out!

Are you Grateful? Have you expressed your gratefulness in any way, shape, or form lately? Expressing Gratitude to the Universe is one of thee most powerful ways to come into the TRUTH of your BEING. I remember when I first heard about gratitude. I would......

buzzards korner

Online E-Book

Five Pillars for life or Death…

(What are you choosing?)


Heather is a life coach and a licensed Reiki 2 master with 15 years of experience. She received her practitioner certification through Earnest Holmes University of Spiritual Living (LA). She also attended  Barbara King School Of Ministry (GA), and Agape Spiritual Living Center (LA).

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