2025 Vision! what is yours?

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pexels renee b

Do you have a vision?  A vision for YOUR life in which direction you desire to go?  It is said that people will perish without a vision.  What are YOU saying about YOUR vision?  Are you aware of what you may be mumbling under your breath?  Are you  conscious of what your thinking? 

You may be thinking why is a vision so important, and I will tell you why.  If you don’t have a picture of what it is that YOU choose or desire to create in your life then another vision will pull you.  Whet er it be a vision of lack, limitation, not beig good enough, something will be YOUR  vision if YOU don’t choose to create one.

Walking the Spiritual Path one of the practices is creating a vision.  It can be a vision board of what you desire, what type of employment you desire.  ANYTHING at all.  I personally have 3 vision boards in my house and have seen things come to pass on all three boards. BECAUSE of the vision I kept in front of me. 

If you don’t create a vision of what it is YOU desire then if you tell someone else THEIR vision may take hold instead of YOURS.  Especially if they have any negative energy attached to it and you let THAT get into your consciousness you sure enough will NOT succeed.

I KNOW having a vision board keeps that positive image in front of you.  YOUR life will follow YOUR vision.  You have a small vision, you will have a small life.  The bigger your vision the grander your life can be.  Start today.

All you need is a magazine and a piece of cardboard.  Start going through the magazine and allow yourself to dream.  What is it that you desire?  What is deep in your Soul that no one except Spirit KNOWS.  Create from that space and watch how your life changes.  What image are you allowing to take root in your Spirit?

Friends you have to have some image  in YOUR consciousness first before you will see it in the outer.  Which is why the saying that you have to BE a child to enter the Kingdom.  Childeren dream.  Remember when you used to dream?  It is time to come back to dreaming and KNOWING that……YOUR VISION CREATES YOUR LIFE!!

bringing people back to themselves

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